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The idea of success

In my twenties I dreamed of being successful. I graduated with great ambition and dreamed of working in a high paying job, wearing nice clothes and owning a house. Things were going really well but something was missing. That's why I made the decision to travel somewhere far, far away and that was when I came to Australia 5 years ago.

Everything was new; a new language “including the Ozzy slang” to learn, a new culture, mentality and country. Everything was different and so far away from my home and my own family. And then

2015 I made myself a promise; to put my heart and soul into making my dream of running my own business become a reality, and to become a successful entrepreneur. During this journey I have done a lot of work on my mindset and I can tell you it was so difficult! Nobody knows you and there are so many talented and good photographers around the sunshine coast. It was hard and I had to challenge myself so many times, but every challenge and effort was worth it! I didn’t started to be a wedding photographer, because I was photographing a friends wedding and thought “oh that's nice”, no I started it because I am committed to the love. I know this sounds a bit exaggerated, but I truly love it, I love Love and I love the moments of a wedding; when the bride is getting ready and is so nervous, the first look from the groom when the bride walks down the aisle, the love between two people who making the most romantic step in their life and starting a new chapter, their love for each other. I don’t want to miss any of this!

I don’t want to capture just a wedding and see it as a job; I want to capture all these spontaneous, loving, unpredictable moments of love and happiness!

I treasure every single couple special and as a unique and I want to get to know them, where their love story began as a couple, how did they met, what are their hobbies. I want to be more seen as a friend then just their photographer. That’s the only way I can capture their emotions, their love and their big day in all his glamour they want it.

And I am so blessed that I can work with amazing people around the world who feel less like clients and more like friends.

This is now my version of success.

- To be able to earn a living doing something I love.

- To be able to choose my own working schedule and sit on my desk wearing clothes I feel comfortable in.

- To be able to do great adventures around the world and have the time to visit friends and family overseas.

This is what drives me to show up for my dream every day. There’s nothing boring with the version of success that I uses to have. I just know what success looks different to each and every person.

    Sunshine Coast wedding and lifestyle Photographer




    © 2018 by Nicole Laufer Photography – Sunshine Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer - Europe and Australia wide operating photographer

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